
Homemade candle gift

Over the centuries candles have came a long way. From plain slabs serving a single, but very important, purpose to elaborate art pieces showing of craftsmanship of its maker. While we don't, in general, need them purely as a light source (except in extreme situations) we still use them in our every day lives.
They are given as gifts, used as mood setters or fragrance releases, as well as decor pieces. But with all of their multipurpose comes a price. Not only of monetary value, but the price of having to settle for the generic store bought as well for many of us. Quite a number of people don't realize how simple and fun it is to make your own candles and even better give them out as personalized gifts. Here I will show you how to make your own candles, the simple way.

What you will need to make your own candles:
- Paraffin wax. This can be bought at any of your local arts and crafts stores such as Michael's, Joann's or Hobby Lobby.
- Wicks, one per each candle you are making.
- A candle mold. You can either buy these shaped at the store or use make shift molds from plastic containers and pretty much anything that can withstand the hot melted wax.
- An optional touch gives adding the fragrance. These too are found at your local arts and crafts shop.
- Candle dyes in your choice of colors. These come in either the liquid form or as chips.
- A candle jar or a holder.
- A heavy pot and spatula.
How to make your own candles:
This process is fairly easy, however you need to use extreme caution as it can turn dangerous easily.
- First thing you should do is melt the paraffin wax in the heavy pot. If you can it is suggested you do this in a double broiler if not on nice heat while stirring so the heat would be distributed evenly.
- Once the wax is melted add your color and the fragrance according to the manufacturers specifications.
- Make sure you stir it in well.
- Now pour the melted candle wax into the molds carefully and add a wick to the middle.
- Once your candles are cooled you can take them out of the molds and you are all done.

- It is suggested that its better to use an electric vs. gas stove. In case you have a mishap with the wax and it gets out of the pot there is less chance of it catching on fire on an electric stove top, wheres the gas one would make it catch in flames.
- You can add in non flammable objects to your molds before you pour the wax for fun effects.

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